
* TANA Reserves the right to publish TANA Patrika either in Print or in electronic from. We publish hard copies only once in three to six months depending up on the need and available resources. However, we try to publish electronic versions as frequent as every month. Our electronic version will be emailed to over 36,000 members and shared on TANA website and social media, available to readers worldwide.
Advertisement should be a print ready PDF or high resolution JPG/PSD/EPS only. If it's not, there will be an additional charge for layout and setup. These charges depend on the labor involved.
Front inside Cover, Center Spread, Last Page, Back inside Cover Page and Back outside Cover Page advertisements are treated as prime page advertisements.
* Center Spread contains left and right two 8.5 X 11 pages.
Center Spread ad may be replaced for TANA conference or any other important TANA programs.
Back outside Cover Page (Color) ad should be only 8.0 X 8.5 in size, since we need to place the mailing label.
We solicit your sealed bids for these prime page advertisements along with your check of full payment and a camera-ready copy of the advertisement. All Prime Page ad bids are for 12 issues.
If you are bidding for a prime page, you may indicate your choice of preference. For example: Preference 1, Back outside cover page for $$$; Preference 2, Back inside cover page for $$$ Preference 3. Center Spread for $$$ etc. Then we will allocate them according to the availability of your preference. Bulk Rates are good only if paid in advance.
All advertisements will be accepted only with full payment upfront.
Please make a check payable to TANA. and mail to: TANA Treasurer, 26233 Taft Rd, Novi, MI 48374
We appreciate your continued support to TANA and TANA Patrika. For further information, please contact:
TO MAKE PAYMENTS BY CHECK or ONLINE ( and Select Patrika from the first option)